Advanced Surgical Techniques
Advanced Surgical Techniques
Best in House Facility
Best in House Facility
Hairline Designing
Hairline Designing
Surgical Experience
Surgical Experience

Best Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Clinic in Ludhiana

Not everyone is blessed with unique features or how they want to look. Not everyone is comfortable in their own skin. The reasons can vary and differ from person to person as per their lifestyle, climatic changes, increasing pollution, hereditary, hormonal imbalance and primarily the diet. We at Kyra Aesthetic Clinic understand your true needs and suffice all your requirements. Our highly experienced and able doctors make their aim to successfully offer you the best Plastic Surgery in Ludhiana. People come from all over the world to Ludhiana, Punjab (India) for hair transplants and cosmetic surgeries.

Our plethora of profound successful services of hair treatments, transplants, and cosmetic surgeries like breast augmentation, fat reduction(liposuction), nose surgery, lip reformation surgery, butt lift, and other Plastic Surgeries and transformation services have made our doctors the best cosmetic surgeon in Ludhiana, Punjab.

  • Award-Winning State of Art Clinic.
  • Full Range of Cosmetic Services.
  • Board-certified Plastic Surgeon.
  • All Standards of Sterilization.
  • US-FDA Approved Cases.
  • Professional + Cordial Staff.
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Why Choose Us
15 years of Experience
15 years of Experience

5000 plus Surgeries
5000 plus Surgeries

Skin Consultant & Plastic Surgeon
Skin Consultant & Plastic Surgeon

Satisfied Clientele Worldwide
Satisfied Clientele Worldwide


After my pregnancy, my body shape was totally disturbed and my breasts were also sagged. I disliked the way I appeared. I tried medical help and what not, but it was all in vain. Then I found the best solution at Kyra Aesthetic Clinic in Ludhiana,India. I was so satisfied with their specialised treat of breast lift surgery and other fat reduction services.


My son at his very young age suffered from hair loss and premature baldness. We hail from abroad. I tried all the treatments and medical help but with no help. Then I got to know about the Kyra Aesthetic Clinic in Ludhiana offering the best hair transplants with the true medical guidance. Meeting Dr. Rajni put a rest to all my queries as she offered the best solution.


I was tired of all the painful and terrible hair removal services that included waxing, shaving and tweezing. Using a razor at times resulted in skin cuts leading to intense bleeding and other hair removal creams were proving to be harsh for my sensitive skin. I was always in search of the one stop solution for removing my body hair. Kyra Aesthetic Clinic, Ludhiana made me solve this problem with their best and profound laser hair removal service.

Frequently Asked Questions

Over 13.1 million cosmetic surgical and nonsurgical procedures were performed in the United States in 2010, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This is a 5% increase from 2009.

Depending upon what is most appropriate for your particular situation, the surgeon will decide what type of anesthesia to use. He or she will answer any questions you have.

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